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Name and Title | Contact | Teaching Locations |
Julia Adams Admissions Counselor / Recruiter |
865-522-3120 julia.adams@tcatknoxville.edu |
Michelle Anderson Practical Nursing Associate Instructor, Blount Memorial Hospital |
(865) 977-4698 michelle.anderson@tcatknoxville.edu |
Chris Anderson Admissions Counselor / Recruiter |
865-934-4007 chris.anderson@tcatknoxville.edu |
Kristen Arnold Practical Nursing Adjunct Instructor |
kristen.arnold@tcatknoxville.edu |
Kris Barton Diesel Powered Equipment Technology Evening Instructor |
kris.barton@tcatknoxville.edu |
William Bergquist Administrative Office Technology Instructor |
william.bergquist@tcatknoxville.edu |
Lisa Bible Dental Assisting Adjunct Instructor |
lisa.bible@tcatknoxville.edu |
Tim Blais Special Industry Associate Instructor |
865-766-4324 tim.blais@tcatknoxville.edu |
Nellie Blanton Admissions Counselor/Recruiter |
nellie.blanton@tcatknoxville.edu |
Valerie Branam Practical Nursing Instructor |
valerie.branam@tcatknoxville.edu |
Kristen Braziel Practical Nursing Associate Instructor |
kristen.braziel@tcatknoxville.edu |
Christopher Brewer Truck Driving Associate Instructor |
865-766-4015 christopher.brewer@tcatknoxville.edu |
Richard Browder Diesel Powered Equipment Technology Associate Instructor |
richard.browder@tcatknoxville.edu |
John Browning Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Associate Instructor |
john.browning@tcatknoxville.edu | |
Von Bruce Industrial Electricity Associate Instructor Night |
865-766-4352 von.bruce@tcatknoxville.edu |
Donald Bryant Automotive Technology Associate Instructor |
865-259-7683 donald.bryant@tcatknoxville.edu |
Duane Buhl Coordinator of Facilities and Maintenance |
865-766-4326 duane.buhl@tcatknoxville.edu |
Kelli Chaney President |
kelli.chaney@tcatknoxville.edu |
Kevin Claxton Surgical Technology Associate Instructor |
kevin.claxton@tcatknoxville.edu |
Robert Cooper Associate Instructor |
robert.cooper@tcatknoxville.edu |
Eddie Copeland Welding Technology Instructor |
865-259-7674 eddie.copeland@tcatknoxville.edu |
Jennifer Cozart Fast Track Associate Instructor |
jennifer.cozart@tcatknoxville.edu |
Chad Crum Collision Repair Technology Associate Instructor |
865-766-4363 chad.crum@tcatknoxville.edu |
Noah Duncan Coordinator of Finance and Business Services |
865-766-4362 noah.duncan@tcatknoxville.edu |
Andrew Duncan Welding Technology Associate Instructor |
andrew.duncan@tcatknoxville.edu |
Holly Erlacher Practical Nursing Associate Instructor |
865-766-4356 holly.erlacher@tcatknoxville.edu |
Kristin Ferguson Practical Nursing Associate Instructor |
kristin.ferguson@tcatknoxville.edu |
Emily Fletcher Surgical Technology Associate Instructor |
emily.fletcher@tcatknoxville.edu |
Mike Gallimore Instructor Substitute |
865-766-4376 mike.gallimore@tcatknoxville.edu |
Dan Gamble Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Associate Instructor |
865-259-7665 daniel.gamble@tcatknoxville.edu |
David Gibson Practical Nursing Associate Instructor |
david.gibson@tcatknoxville.edu |
Nicholas Gill Coordinator of Workforce Development and Information Technology |
nicholas.gill@tcatknoxville.edu |
Chuck Glandon Facilities Support Associate |
865-766-4326 chuck.glandon@tcatknoxville.edu |
Lucas Gray Student Services Coordinator |
lucas.gray@tcatknoxville.edu |
Chris Grimes Welding Technology Associate Instructor |
865-766-4395 chris.grimes@tcatknoxville.edu |
Leah Hale Human Resources Support Associate |
Ext. 865-766-4339 leah.hale@tcatknoxville.edu |
Dirk Hale Industrial Maintenance/Mechatronics Instructor |
865-259-7644 dirk.hale@tcatknoxville.edu |
David Hamilton Computer Information Technology Senior Instructor |
865-766-4360 david.hamilton@tcatknoxville.edu |
Josh Hamilton Industrial Electricity Associate Instructor |
865-766-4352 josh.hamilton@tcatknoxville.edu |
Ky Hensley Academic and Student Support Associate |
kyra.hensley@tcatknoxville.edu |
Rick Higginbotham Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Technology Associate Instructor |
rick.higginbotham@tcatknoxville.edu |
Jason Hill Diesel Powered Equipment Technology Associate Instructor |
865-259-7677 jason.hill@tcatknoxville.edu |
Shane Irons Associate Instructor Substitute |
shane.irons@tcatknoxville.edu | |
R. Gayle Irwin Practical Nursing Adjunct Instructor |
gayle.irwin@tcatknoxville.edu |
Jozi Janson Admissions Counselor/Recruiter |
865-766-4341 jozi.janson@tcatknoxville.edu |
Abby Jedlicka Surgical Technology Associate Instructor |
865-766-4350 abby.jedlicka@tcatknoxville.edu |
Jaye Johnson Associate Instructor of Truck Driving |
865-934-4005 jaye.johnson@tcatknoxville.edu |
Melissa Johnson Financial Aid Support Associate |
melissa.johnson@tcatknoxville.edu |
Missy Jones Financial Support Associate |
865-766-4329 missy.jones@tcatknoxville.edu |
Mauri Jonquet Collision Repair Technology Instructor |
865-766-4363 mauri.jonquet@tcatknoxville.edu |
Amanda Keller Adult Education Assistant District Coordinator |
865-766-4386 amanda.keller@tcatknoxville.edu |
Daniel Kelly Academic and Student Support Associate |
865-766-4374 daniel.kelly@tcatknoxville.edu |
Alvin Kimel Industrial Electricity Associate Instructor |
865-766-4352 alvin.kimel@tcatknoxville.edu |
Stephen Kronk Truck Driving Associate Instructor |
stephen.kronk@tcatknoxville.edu |
Tara Lohman Practical Nursing Instructor |
865-766-4365 tara.lohman@tcatknoxville.edu |
Victoria Lowery Practical Nursing Instructor |
victoria.lowery@tcatknoxville.edu |
Michael Lunnemann Automotive Technology Associate Instructor |
865-766-4349 Michael.Lunnemann@tcatknoxville.com |
Melissa Macko Academic and Student Support Associate |
865-766-4335 melissa.macko@tcatknoxville.edu |
Eric Mason Welding Technology Adjunct Instructor |
865-661-1409 james.mason@tcatknoxville.edu |
Jeff McCall Associate Instructor of Machine Tool Technology |
Marcy Owen Dental Assisting Instructor |
865-546-5567 marcy.owen@tcatknoxville.edu |
Jennifer Pace Adult Education District Coordinator |
865-766-4337 jennifer.pace@tcatknoxville.edu |
Ewa Pate Academic and Student Support Associate |
865-766-4345 ewa.pate@tcatknoxville.edu |
Antonio Perkins Facilities Support Associate |
865-259-7623 antonio.perkins@tcatknoxville.edu |
Josh Plum Welding Technology Instructor |
865-766-4394 josh.plum@tcatknoxville.edu |
Kelsey Pollard Associate Instructor of Cosmetology |
865-766-4368 Kelsey.Pollard@tcatknoxville.edu |
Sally Porter Coordinator of Strategic Impact |
sally.porter@tcatknoxville.edu |
Zebulun Proctor Welding Technology Associate Instructor |
zebulun.proctor@tcatknoxville.edu |
Julie Richard Associate Instructor of Nursing Aide |
julie.richard@tcatknoxville.edu |
Lynn Rimmer Coordinator of Construction Projects |
865-766-4383 lynn.rimmer@tcatknoxville.edu |
Alison Rogers Director of Nursing and Allied Health |
865-766-4361 alison.rogers@tcatknoxville.edu |
Jane Ruggles Practical Nursing Adjunct Instructor |
jane.ruggles@tcatknoxville.edu |
Travis Rush Pipefitting and Plumbing Associate Instructor |
865-766-4383 travis.rush@tcatknoxville.edu |
Austin Rush Welding Technology Associate Instructor |
865-766-4364 austin.rush@tcatknoxville.edu |
Becky Russell Coordinator of Community Engagement |
865-766-4389 becky.russell@tcatknoxville.edu |
Stephen Sikorski Information Technology Specialist |
865-766-4336 stephen.sikorski@tcatknoxville.edu |
Mike Sledzinski Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Technology Master Instructor |
865-766-4369 mike.sledzinski@tcatknoxville.edu |
Andy Smith Vice President of Instruction & Institutional Effectiveness |
865-766-4380 andy.smith@tcatknoxville.edu |
Cal Smith Financial Aid Counselor |
865-766-4338 calvin.smith@tcatknoxville.edu |
Vicki Stafford Cosmetology Associate Instructor |
vicki.stafford@tcatknoxville.edu |
Rodger Swann Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Adjunct Instructor |
865-766-4384 rodger.swann@tcatknoxville.edu |
Robert Tallent Information Technology Support Associate |
robert.tallent@tcatknoxville.edu |
Jake Terry Practical Nursing Instructor |
jake.terry@tcatknoxville.edu |
Ann Underwood Cosmetology Associate Instructor |
865-766-4368 ann.underwood@tcatknoxville.edu |
James Vandergriff Welding Technology Associate Instructor |
james.vandergriff@tcatknoxville.edu | |
Thomas Walker Facilities Support Associate |
thomas.walker@tcatknoxville.edu |
Sherry Wallace Financial Support Associate |
sherry.wallace@tcatknoxville.edu |
Misty West Human Resources / COE Liaison / Compliance |
865-766-4346 misty.west@tcatknoxville.edu |
Lisa Wilkerson Cosmetology Associate Instructor |
lisa.wilkerson@tcatknoxville.edu |
Austin Winstead Computer Information Technology Associate Instructor |
austin.winstead@tcatknoxville.edu |
Courtney Woolard Administrative Support Associate |
865-766-4330 courtney.woolard@tcatknoxville.edu |